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“The course has given me a much needed opportunity to take a step back and look at the business from a higher level.   It has helped me to clearly identify my business environment and how to source opportunities”

“It was great to have the opportunity to take time to push back on the limitations that I impose on my business and think of it in a different way”

“The Catalyst course allows me to access training whilst I am working full time, and also running my business”
“The programme has given me the confidence to explore new opportunities within my territory. I have been able to identify new segments as a result of this programme”

“[The Course] was a revelation in a lot of ways. I had never taken the time to look at the business from such a high level view point before and suddenly certain areas became clear - either where I needed to do more work or where something was missing.”
“Catalyst quickly became my 'oasis of thought' ... and it was wonderful ..... to be challenged in a thoughtful and inspirational way through the teaching and resources and by my peers”

“The programme content allowed me to look at business and other opportunities in a different, more positive way.”

“The quality of the resources and teaching has been first class and it is extremely humbling when I see how much time and effort has been put into making Catalyst happen. I've really been equipped for life and only wish I had been able to access a Catalyst programme years ago so thank you.”


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Who is the Catalyst programme for?

Catalyst provides innovative support and tailored training to small businesses and sole traders.

The programme is designed for the leaders of these businesses/organisations to access meaningful training at a time to suit their diverse needs.
Participants have the opportunity to work through tailor-made modules through a 100% online programme (virtual).


What can it do for me?

Catalyst offers accessible training that suits your needs and preferences.
Developed with your needs in mind, Catalyst ensures broad input from many small business innovators.
Through shared experience across all sectors, you have the opportunity to unlock the growth potential of your enterprise.
Through the course you will:
  • increase your personal, entrepreneurial ambition and understanding;
  • increase your levels of leadership skills/practice;
  • become  more productive.
Each of the Catalyst modules are designed and delivered in a manner that ensures course content is relevant to each individual learner; and encourages them to connect learning with their own business practice. 
In response to the learning undertaken, there are tutor-led twilight sessions in which learners are encouraged to:
  • identify areas of their business which they might develop or change;
  • consider specific challenges/questions to relation to their own context.
Eight entrepreneurs, who have built successful businesses in the Highlands & Islands, act as role models – by sharing their stories on film.

How will my small business benefit?

The Catalyst programme will allow you to grow in confidence and support you to identify barriers, and develop ways to overcome them.  Likewise, you will be better placed to identify opportunities and confidently follow them up.
Participants have shown that their change in mindset, as a result of the course, has made their businesses:
  • more innovative
  • more proactive
  • better able to influence others
  • plan strategically
  • initiate and plan for change.
Click here to view the Catalyst programme leaflet.

Email us at catalyst.ic@uhi.ac.uk for further information or to register your interest.